Now Policy holders of Retail Agency Channel can make renewal premium payment at any of the SBI branches in cash (upto Rs 49,999) or by way of debit of account/ cheques drawn on SBI. For further details, please contact your SBI Life branch.

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ULIP certification module has now been switched over to the Smart Advisor App, it will not be available on the Agency Online Portal. Kindly access the Smart Advisor app and complete your ULIP Certification
Important  As per IRDA and TRAI guidelines on distance marketing and telemarketing activities, Individual Agents, Corporate Agents, Insurance Brokers and other intermediaries should not indulge in Unsolicited Commercial Calling of Clients. They have to first register with TRAI as a telemarketer with Phone series prefixed with 140 for soliciting / promotion of business from clients. Violation of these guidelines results in termination of agency engagement / intermediary arrangement.